Live-in-partner sets herself ablaze by pouring turpentine oil in Delhi: Victim dies after 10 days; There was a fight when I saw him taking drugs with a friend

New Delhi19 minutes ago

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A woman living in Delhi’s Balveer Vihar was set ablaze by her live-in partner. The victim died on Monday. The incident took place on the night of February 10, when she saw her live-in partner Mohit consuming drugs with his friend.

There was a fight between the two and Mohit poured turpentine oil on the victim and set her on fire. The badly scorched woman was admitted to the hospital. Where he died after 10 days.

The woman left her husband 6 years ago
According to reports, during the investigation, the police came to know that both the victim and the accused Mohit were living together for 6 years. The victim had left her husband and started living with Mohit in Balveer Vihar.

She has two children, one from her first marriage and the other from Mohit. The badly burnt woman was first shifted to Safdarjung Hospital, later to the trauma center of Delhi AIIMS, but she succumbed to her injuries.

Murder case registered on the statement of the family
The woman who died was 28 years old. She was in such a critical condition that her statement could not be recorded. After the death, a murder case has been registered against Mohit at the Aman Vihar police station on the basis of the family’s complaint. The police have arrested Mohit. The inspection of the matter is going on.

Also read these news related to the murder case of live-in-partner…

1. After killing the live-in partner, the lover hid the body in the bed

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Sahil and Nikki met while commuting to and from coaching in Delhi. Both had earlier also gone to visit many places including Manali, Rishikesh, Haridwar, Dehradun.

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