Like Russia’s attack on Ukraine, China’s attack on Taiwan will be a ‘mistake’ – America

America on China-Taiwan Issue: The dispute between China and Taiwan (China Taiwan Conflict) is deepening day by day and Chinese President Xi Jinping has made the world aware of his intentions. He has said that he can go to any extent on the issue of Taiwan. However, America standing in support of Taiwan also considers this issue as a question of its nose. Once again America has warned China. America’s top military official has said that attacking Taiwan would be a ‘strategic mistake’ for China.

‘The Chinese will be at high risk’

General Mark Milley, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, said on Wednesday, “Invading and besieging Taiwan is a difficult task. Most of Taiwan is a mountainous island. It is a very difficult military objective.” ..the Chinese would be at high risk and it would be a mindless geopolitical mistake, just like the one Putin made in Ukraine.”

‘Russia and Ukraine can learn from war’

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Milley said that when it comes to the situation in Taiwan, lessons are learned from the conflict in Ukraine and help the island prepare to defend itself. Describing China as a growing threat, the top US general said Beijing has advanced its goal of becoming the number one power by the middle of the century.

‘America’s Army is Number One’

According to news agency ANI, during a press conference, Miley said that the continued superiority of the US military in comparison to China helps prevent great power conflict between the two countries. He said, “Right now, America’s military is, without question, the deadliest war machine on Earth. America’s military is number one and we intend to remain number one.”

‘…we will not let this happen’

General Milley said that as long as the US military’s dominance remains, it can prevent a ‘superpower war’ between the US and China. Milley also said that China is the biggest geopolitical threat to the US and is not shy about its intention to become the number one global power. “But we won’t let that happen. As long as we’re number one, we’re going to stop the war that people worry about,” he said.

read this also- ‘This is not the way to talk’… Chinese President Xi Jinping raging on Canada’s PM Trudeau- Video

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