Land was given on contract in Mahoba, occupied: The victim woman complained to the administration, neither giving money nor leaving the land

Mahoba14 minutes ago

In Mahoba, the widowed old lady, troubled by the forcible occupation of the agricultural land given on contract (Balkat), reached the office of the Superintendent of Police along with her son. Along with getting the possession of the farm removed, the victim has also demanded to get the amount of the contract (balkat). He says that the domineering occupier is not ready to leave the land now. Not only this, they are threatening to kill if they ask for the amount of the contract. On which a complaint was made in the police station, but if the problem was not resolved, then seeing the old widow woman along with her son reached the office of the Superintendent of Police.

Dabangs got into a fight for asking for money

Actually this whole matter is of Mawai village of Srinagar Kotwali area. Premkunwar, an old widow living where she reached the doorstep of the Superintendent of Police along with her son. The victim tells that her husband has 13 acres of land in the village itself. Which was given to Budh Singh, who lived in the village, to do farming on contract (Balkat) for 20 years. But after giving money for only 1 year, he started threatening the family. Due to which the victim left the village with her son and husband and started living in district Lalitpur. Now that the husband has died, the victim reached the village with her son to get her due.

Dabangs stopped from going to the farm

The bullies stopped him from going to the farm. Not only this, when he asked for the amount of farming, Dabang was furious. The bullies have refused to leave the land and are threatening to kill them. While the victim wants to cultivate her agricultural land so that she can support her family, it is alleged that the bullies are intimidating her by showing them weapons. A complaint was also made to the police about which, but the police did not help. In such a situation, now she has come to the Superintendent of Police’s office and is demanding justice in the whole matter so that she can get her due and justice.

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