Killing of 6-month-old baby for boyfriend: Husband in Dubai, lover said – I will not take the child, got the working girl thrown in the drain

bijnor15 minutes ago

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In Nagina, Bijnor, a 6-month-old child was murdered by his mother. It is alleged that the woman’s child was obstructing her illicit relationship. That’s why he killed the milk-mouthed child by throwing it in the drain at the hands of a 10-year-old girl working in the house.

The woman had earlier informed the police about the kidnapping of the child. It was told that his child has been snatched away by the miscreants riding the bike. After which the police was investigating. Meanwhile, the CCTV footage was obtained by the police and the insensitivity of the woman came to know.

Now know the whole matter

Asif, a woman resident of Mohalla Lohari Sarai of Nabina, raised an alarm in the locality that the miscreants on the bike snatched the bike from the hands of the girl who was feeding her child on the road and ran away.

The police was on the lookout for the miscreants and was looking for evidence from the footage of CCTV cameras installed in the houses in the street and locality. During this, the police officers were also stunned to see the act of the woman who came to the fore.
This is the body of a six-month-old innocent child, which the police have recovered from the drain.

This is the body of a six-month-old innocent child, which the police have recovered from the drain.

Hands do not tremble while throwing the child in the drain

In the CCTV footage, the woman who created the drama of child abduction, Nisha alias Afsa, was seen with a 10-year-old girl working in her house. Nisha’s 6-month-old baby was seen in the baby’s lap.

Both go to the drain, about 200 meters away from the house, after that they look here, when no one was seen, they threw their 6-month-old baby in the drain at the hands of the girl. After that both of them came running to their house and started doing drama by pretending to kidnap the child.

The police handed over the body of the child to the family members.

The police handed over the body of the child to the family members.

Police shocked to know the reason for the murder

Nisha’s drama came to an end with the CCTV footage, but after that the reason given for the murder of the child was also surprising.

According to the police, the accused woman Nisha told, “Her husband had gone to Saudi Arabia to earn about 8 months ago, during that time she was pregnant. She gave birth to a child 6 months ago. After that her old lover started visiting her. He often visits her. She used to go outside the house to meet and the child had to be taken along with her.

Police went to the locality and arrested the woman.

Police went to the locality and arrested the woman.

lover refused to keep the child

When her boyfriend asked her to run away from home 4 days ago, she agreed. But now a 6-month-old baby was coming in the way of their love affair. Her lover refused to keep the child with her, so she had to hide the child.

Now the kid had to get out of the way

According to Nisha, she thought of throwing her child in the drain running near the house and took the child working in the house in it. On Wednesday night, both took the child out of the house. Going about 200 meters away from the house, holding the child in the lap of the girl and asked to throw it.

The girl kept walking near the drain for about 5 minutes with the child in her lap as the road was getting crowded by the passers-by. After that, seeing a little silence, the girl threw the child in the drain under the cover of a dump and was seen in the CCTV footage coming back very comfortably.

Woman arrested, looking for lover

In this case, CO Sumit Shukla said, “The six-month-old child has been murdered by his mother. Investigation has revealed that the child was obstructing his love affair. The accused woman has been arrested. He interrogated her.” I have confessed to the incident. Her lover will also be caught.

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