Kevin Spacey says ‘people are ready to hire me’ as soon as he’s cleared of sexual assault charges

Kevin Spacey, Hollywood actor and ‘MeToo‘ accused, says he already has producers waiting to sign him in their upcoming projects as soon as he’s acquitted in the imminent UK sexual assault trial. (Also Read: ‘My work will live longer than I will’: Kevin Spacey says sexual assault allegations eventually ‘won’t mean anything’)
Kevin Spacey says he’s got only affection and support from his fans(AP)

“I know that there are people right now who are ready to hire me the moment I am cleared of these charges in London. The second that happens, they’re ready to move forward,” The Hollywood Reporter quoted Spacey from his interview with a local magazine.

“The media have done their best to turn me into a monster, but from the people, I have seen nothing but affection,” Variety quoted Spacey from the interview.

Spacey has already signed a movie

It was this “ridiculously supportive fan base” that got him a voice role in the upcoming thriller, Control. Director Gene Fallaize defended the decision of casting Spacey, at a time when everyone is actively cancelling him, with the statement, “Nobody stops listening to Michael Jackson.”

Spacey added that he grabbed a voice role because he now feels he’s at the beginning of his career and has to start all over again. He said that just because he was “benched for a while,” he’s not going to stop working.

UK sexual assault trial

Spacey’s remarks come just a couple of days before his first appearance at Westminster Magistrates’ Court in London on June 16. The trial, in which three men accused him of sexual assault, commences on June 28.

The charges include four counts of sexual assault against the three men. These date back to incidents in 2005, 2008 and 2013, and one of them involves causing a person to engage in penetrative sexual activity without consent.

Spacey goes into the UK trial after a long one back in the US, when he was first accused of sexual assault during the MeToo movement in October 2017 by actor Anthony Rapp. While a New York jury ruled in his favour, that he didn’t molest Rapp when the latter was a teenager, the other sexual assault charges were dropped against the 63-year-old actor because one of the accused died and the other backed out of testifying in court.


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