Katrina Kaif’s fitness trainer Yasmin Karachiwala shares lifestyle changes for people with type-2 diabetes

Diabetes has become a very common condition in today’s households and we owe this to an unhealthy lifestyle including poor eating habits, lack of exercise and other factors. Reports indicate that one in six people with diabetes in the world is from India and this is alarming as the figure is only expected to grow by 2045 to become 134 million, as per the International Diabetes Federation.

However, it is possible to control this if one can follow some simple things regularly along with the physician’s instructions. In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Katrina Kaif’s fitness trainer, Yasmin Karachiwala, shared 4 easy tips to better manage diabetes:

1. Maintain a good sleep schedule – Sleep is a cure to a lot of our ailments, including diabetes. Getting inadequate amounts of sleep is said to increase insulin resistance in the body. So, if you get less than 7 hours of sleep per night, your diabetes will be harder to manage. It will make you hungrier the next day and reduce how full you feel after eating. Hence, ensuring good sleep regularly is key to diabetes management. A good night sleep will also make you more alert during the day, you will have more energy, less stress, and an overall better mindset for monitoring and managing your diabetes.

2. Eat a handful of almonds – Eating a handful of almonds regularly may also have a positive impact on the blood sugar levels. Moreover, substituting unhealthy snacks with healthier options like almonds can benefit you to keep your weight in check. Almonds have low glycemic index and are a source of protein. Consuming these nuts may help curb your junk food cravings, keep you satiated, and simultaneously help in maintaining muscle mass. Almonds also pack a host of nutrients like plant protein, dietary fiber, good fats and important vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E, magnesium and potassium making them a smart snack for those with pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes. When eaten daily as a part of a healthy meal plan, almonds offer a wide range of health benefits ranging from weight management to heart health and beyond. In addition to this, adding plenty of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains into your diet can be beneficial to manage diabetes.

3. Exercise to manage your weight and insulin levels – Obesity is one of the causes behind progression to type 2 diabetes. So, ensuring physical activity as a part of your daily routine is a must. Exercising regularly also helps control blood sugar levels and lowers your risk of heart disease and nerve damage. Hence, my suggestion is, if you enjoy a particular dance form, like to run, or prefer to swim, or enjoy aerobics – do exactly that!

4. Hydrate yourself – A diabetic person tends to lose a lot of fluid from their body, which can result in dehydration. This makes it imperative for them to keep having water at regular intervals. Moreover, drinking water also keeps you energized and helps in flushing out excess glucose from the body. So, if you are diabetic, make sure you have sufficient water throughout the day.

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