Kalash Yatra taken out of 580 unclaimed dead bodies: The last journey is taken out by Deva Ashram, people showered flowers

mau5 hours ago

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Today in Mau district, the ashes of 580 unclaimed dead bodies were taken out by Deva Ashram. The staff of the Deva Ashram of the river took the chariot out of the chariot to make the ashes flow the Kalash Yatra along with drums and drums. People were seen showering flowers with flowers and bowing to the ashes. Crowds of people came for ages to see him.


The post-mortem house run by Dev Ashram built in the district hospital of Mau district, Mau has been running a continuous campaign for the cremation of the unclaimed dead bodies and for immersion of their ashes. To bury the unclaimed dead bodies and perform their last rites in Mau district, Dev Ashram has been making continuous efforts for them and their last rites are also performed by them.

To immerse the last ashes of unclaimed corpses operated by Dev Ashram in Mau district, today Dev Ashram took 580 ashes with drums and went out on the road, where Mau district was immersed in dual Sarju river, while in Mau district Dev also deals with unclaimed corpses and their last rites by the ashram.

PN Singh Pharmacist, who operates Sewa Ashram, says that for many consecutive years, 580 ashes of unclaimed dead bodies were lying in Mau district, which will be flown today in Saryu river of Dohrighat to immerse them with drums. Today we have taken out a yatra and are going to immerse it.

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