Journey to Govardhan mountain, born from the heart of Shri Krishna: Kanha said- Where there is no Giriraj, make it from cow dung; Offer the same amount of gold when carrying the rock

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  • Kanha Said Where There Is No Giriraj, Make It From Cow Dung; Offer The Same Amount Of Gold When Carrying The Rock

A minute agoWriters: Ashish Urmalia

Govardhan Parvat is situated at a distance of 21 km from Mathura and 23 km from Vrindavan. Devotees start gathering here 3 days before Diwali. Bhandaras begin. This is because on the very next day of Deepawali i.e. today, special worship of Giriraj is done here.

The festival of Govardhan Puja is celebrated all over the country. People perform Govardhan Puja symbolically by making the shape of Govardhan out of cow dung outside their homes. But what is different in the worship of Mount Govardhan? Why is the circumambulation here so important? Why did Indra circumambulate it by bowing down i.e. lying down? How did Govardhan spread over 102 km get reduced to 8 km?

  • Taking all these questions, Bhaskar reached Ground Zero i.e. Govardhan Parvat. Let us take you on the journey of Govardhan and know all the answers one by one…

The big parikrama begins from the front of the Dan Ghati temple.

Giriraj of cow dung is also made in Braj, the size is big.
Govardhan village is situated on Govardhan mountain in Braj Mandal i.e. Mathura district. Roads are built, vehicles move. If you go 20 km further from here, you will get Barsana and then Nand village. On the day of Govardhan Puja, early in the morning, people make a big figure of Govardhan Parvat outside the houses with cow dung. After special worship, they are offered annakoot i.e. 56 dishes made from new grains.
The Govardhans that are built in Braj are like this.  Panchamrit is filled in the space visible above the stomach.

The Govardhans that are built in Braj are like this. Panchamrit is filled in the space visible above the stomach.

The whole day is spent in excitement. Then in the evening all the people reach to take part in the worship of the original Govardhan mountain. Mahant Pawan ji of Dan Ghati temple present on Govardhan Parvat said, “Govardhan Parvat is spread over 7 kos i.e. 21 km, so people are in 3 major temples present in Govardhan Parikrama. In these temples, Lord Krishna is worshiped in the form of a rock.

  • Come, know the story related to those 3 major temples…

1. Dan Valley:
Officially the circumambulation begins from here. In the Dwapar era, the gopis of Barsana used to go to Mathura with butter. This butter used to go to Kansa. Krishna did not like this. He used to break the pots of the gopis at this place of the mountain and used to eat their butter. Since then this place was named Dan Valley.

This Govardhan Shila is mainly worshiped inside the Dan Ghati temple.

This Govardhan Shila is mainly worshiped inside the Dan Ghati temple.

2. Jatipura Mukharabind: This temple is situated in the middle of the mountain, 9 km away from the Dan Ghati temple. In Dwapar, the people of Braj used to worship Indra for good farming. They used to offer grains. Krishna told the people of Braj – Indra is not a god, there is no fruit of his worship. Instead you should worship Govardhan Parvat, born from the heart of Lord Vishnu.

After listening to Krishna, everyone together performed Govardhan Puja. When Indra came to know about this, he asked Samvartak, the most dangerous cloud, to rain on Braj. This cloud rains at the time of catastrophe. Samvartak started the work. There was turmoil in Braj. People ran to Krishna’s father Nanda Baba. Without delay, Krishna reached the Govardhan mountain.

In the Jatipura Mukharbind temple, the rock is bathed with cow's milk.  Then it is adorned.

In the Jatipura Mukharbind temple, the rock is bathed with cow’s milk. Then it is adorned.

7-year-old Krishna lifted Govardhan on the little finger of his right hand. All the Brij residents came under this mountain. Sheshnag sat around the mountain as a ridge. Krishna’s Sudarshan started soaking the water all around. After a week Indra tried to wield his thunderbolt but Krishna paralyzed his entire hand including the thunderbolt. When the rain stopped, everyone came out safely. The Jatipura temple is the same place where Krishna performed this Leela.

3. Mansi Ganga: This kund and temple exists 2 km before the end of the parikrama. When Indra came to know that Shri Krishna is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Then Indra came to ask for his forgiveness. Surbhi brought with her the cow, Airavat the elephant and Mansi Ganga from the galaxy. apologized to Krishna. The Airavat elephant anointed the Lord by filling the Ganges and cow’s milk in its trunk. That is when Indra had also done a bowed circumambulation of Govardhan. Mansi Ganga and Harihar temples exist here since then.

The Harihar temple is built on the Mansi Ganga.  It is believed that the circumambulation is not considered complete until you do not visit here.

The Harihar temple is built on the Mansi Ganga. It is believed that the circumambulation is not considered complete until you do not visit here.

Mahant Pawan ji of Dan Ghati temple on the mountain said, “Thakur ji is woken up early in the morning in these temples on the next day of Deepawali. Then they are bathed with Panchamrit i.e. milk, curd, ghee, honey and sugar. Massage is done with perfume. Flowers, garlands and necklaces are offered. In the evening, food is specially offered to the deity in the form of rock.

Krishna did the first circumambulation, now 2 thousand people do it every day
Mahamuni Garg, the guru of Yaduvanshis in Dwapar, has written in his Samhita, “When Govardhan Puja was performed for the first time, it was first circumambulated by Shri Krishna. The whole Braj was behind him. Govardhan is the form of Shri Krishna. All the wishes are fulfilled by doing Parikrama of Govardhan. By seeing one of its rock, a person is not born again on earth. He gets salvation.”

These two are uncle and nephew.  Like them, hundreds of people perform Govardhan Parikrama every day.

These two are uncle and nephew. Like them, hundreds of people perform Govardhan Parikrama every day.

From the time of Krishna till today, devotees have been continuously doing Parikrama of Govardhan. Mahant Pawan ji said, “Parikrama of Govardhan has special significance on the full moon day. More than 20 thousand devotees circumambulate on that day. In normal days, about 2 thousand people do Govardhan Parikrama every day. These people include big leaders, officials-employees, devotees from Germany, Ukraine and even Japan. Many devotees perform the entire circumambulation lying down.

We also talked to the people doing the parikrama. A government teacher from Rajasthan, who is performing the dandavat parikrama, said, “I am doing the parikrama for the 5th time. I don’t have any wishes.” His nephew, who is working in the railways, said, “This is my third parikrama. Our entire family is Krishna Bhakta.” Kanhaiya of Mathura, who was doing the parikrama, said, “By the grace of Krishna, I have taken a plot of 16 lakhs.” Watch the video above to see many more people we spoke to.

  • Now let’s go on the story of Giriraj in Garga Samhita Shastra and the words of the saints living in Govardhan…

Krishna created Govardhan from the chest at the behest of Radha
Dwapar era. Before taking birth on earth, Radha said to Krishna in the cow world, “I want some place where there is peace. We can enjoy in solitude. Krishna looked at his chest, that is, his heart. From there a radiance was born and then again.” Govardhan mountain from him.There was no such beauty of nature which was not present on that mountain.Radha was very pleased to see that mountain.

Radha Kund is found after completing a short circumambulation of 5 km.  Shyam Kund is built behind, connected to Radha Kund.  It is believed that Radha made it by breaking her bracelet.

Radha Kund is found after completing a short circumambulation of 5 km. Shyam Kund is built behind, connected to Radha Kund. It is believed that Radha made it by breaking her bracelet.

After some time, Krishna said to Radha, “We have to take birth on earth, come with me.” Radha said, “How will I live without Vrindavan Yamuna and Govardhan.” Krishna sent the Braj Mandal spread over 84 kos to the earth. On the orders of Krishna, the Govardhan Parvat took birth from India in the west at Dronachal Giri in Shamal Island.

Govardhan was 8 long, 6 wide and 2 yards high.
Once Pulastya Muni was circumambulating the earth. In the west of India, the sage saw the beautiful green Govardhan mountain. Then he urged his father Dronachal Giri that I want to take your son with me to Kashi. There all the sages will do penance by sitting on it. Fearing the curse, Dronachal agreed and with a heavy heart asked his son to accompany him.

In the second chapter of the Garga Samhita, the initial size of the Govardhan mountain is mentioned.

In the second chapter of the Garga Samhita, the initial size of the Govardhan mountain is mentioned.

Govardhan told the sage, “I am 8 yards long, 6 yards wide and 2 yards high i.e. 102 km long, 76 km wide and 25 km high. how will you take me The sage said – I will take it from Tapobal by keeping it on my hand. Then Govardhan put a condition and said – you will not keep me anywhere in the middle. Wherever I put it once, I will be established there. The sage accepted the condition.

The mountain is decreasing due to the curse of Pulastya, 30 meters is left in height
Pulastya Muni reached the Braj Mandal with Govardhan in his hand. Here Radha and Krishna were to be born. Actually Govardhan was born to come here. After reaching Braj Mandal after a long journey, he increased his weight. The sage got tired and put the mountain down and went to urinate. Came back and tried hard to lift him but did not get up. Enraged, the sage cursed him that every day you will fall from mole to mole.

Pawan ji, one of the chief priests of the Dan Ghati temple said- How can we say with our mouths that fine ji is happening.

Pawan ji, one of the chief priests of the Dan Ghati temple said- How can we say with our mouths that fine ji is happening.

Since then till date Govardhan has been decreasing continuously. Pandit Rajendra Bhatt, who has been living on the mountain since childhood, said, “25 years ago the Geological Survey of India tried to know the truth of this fact. Measured the whole mountain. After 10 years the mountain was found to be reduced.” It is written in the Garga Samhita that the day the Govardhan mountain ends, Kaliyuga will start showing its true form.

Krishna said – worship with cow dung, if you take the rock, then offer the same amount of gold
It is written in the Garga Samhita, “Brajvasi left the worship of Indra and got ready for the worship of Govardhan. Then he asked Krishna how to worship. Krishna said, ‘The place where Giriraj is to be worshipped should be smeared with cow dung. Keep the items of worship and charity at the same place. Chant Vedahamet Purusham Mahaantam Mantra. Perform Govardhan aarti.

This beautiful Kusum Sarovar is present in the Parikrama Marg itself.  It was built by the Bundela Raja Vir Singh Deo of Madhya Pradesh in the 17th century.  Later this building was given a new look along with the lake.

This beautiful Kusum Sarovar is present in the Parikrama Marg itself. It was built by the Bundela Raja Vir Singh Deo of Madhya Pradesh in the 17th century. Later this building was given a new look along with the lake.

Place the ’64 bowls in 5 rows. Fill them with the water of Ganga-Yamuna along with the group of Tulsi. Keep Annakoot near the mountain. Offer with a sincere heart. Then feed everyone after cows, deities and brahmins. Even a sinner should not abstain from food on that day.’

Where there is no Govardhan mountain, people should worship in the same way by making Govardhan out of cow dung. If someone wants to take its rock home for worship, then he should leave the same amount of gold there. Whoever takes the rock without keeping the gold will have to suffer a terrible hell. Govardhan Puja gives the same result as performing all pilgrimages.

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