JCB target missile, looking for opposition’s house: Former IPS Amitabh Thakur’s statement on the government, said – God sees everything, justice will be done

Shahjahanpur34 minutes ago

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Former IPS Amitabh Thakur reached Shahjahanpur on Sunday.

Former IPS Amitabh Thakur reached Shahjahanpur on Sunday. He targeted the government fiercely. Said that injustice is being done in police style. The audacious encounter is being fought with courage. God sees everything. One day it will have to bear the consequences. The old people say that they will not tease the Sharifs and will not spare the miscreants, but now its reverse is happening. Now we will not tease those in power and will not spare the opposition. JCB is a target missile, which keeps on searching the houses of the opponents all the time.

There was a custom of fake encounters in the west

The former IPS arrived on Sunday to attend a private program. Where he, while talking to the media, said that we should bring an innocent by arrest. Fry it half. Send him limping to the hospital and then to jail. He can only do that, in whom there is no fear of God. Further said that in the West there was a custom of fake encounters. In which many officers went to jail. During the service of our people, fake accounts were closed. Said that God will do justice and whenever justice is done, its consequences will come.

At present, the hands of the law are completely crooked.

Amitabh Thakur said that if the hands of the law were only long, there would be no problem, in the present time the hands of the law are completely crooked. Just like a snake move. The police also took us away from the house like pigeons without any FIR.

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