Jack White goes all guns blazing on Mark Wahlberg, Mel Gibson for ‘normalising’ Donald Trump

Jack White has blasted Hollywood stars Mark Wahlberg and Mel Gibson for normalising former US President Donald Trump. During the recently held UFC 290 event in Las Vegas, Wahlberg, Gibson, Joe Rogan and Guy Fieri were seen interacting with Trump who also attended the sports extravaganza.

Jack White, Mark Wahlberg(Getty Images)

In a scathing dig at the four men, White took to Instagram on Monday and went all guns blazing against them.

“Anybody who ‘normalizes’ or treats this disgusting fascist, racist, con man, disgusting piece of s**t Trump with any level of respect is ALSO disgusting in my book. That’s you Joe Rogan, you Mel Gibson, you Mark Wahlberg, you Guy Fieri. This is a statement from me, not a discussion/debate. -Jack White III,” wrote White.

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White is known for his dislike for Trump. In November, last year, White quit Twitter in protest after Elon Musk restored Trump’s official account on the social media platform. Notably, Trump’s Twitter account was banned in the aftermath of the US Capitol attack in January, 2021.

“So you gave Trump his Twitter platform back. Absolutely disgusting, Elon,” White said at the time.

“That is officially an a*****e move. Why don’t you be truthful? Tell it like it is. People like you and Joe Rogan (who gives platforms to liars like Alex Jones etc.); you come into a ton of money, see the tax bill, despise paying your fair share, and then think moving to Texas and supporting whatever republican you can is going to help you keep more of your money (How else could Trump possibly interest you?).”

Meanwhile, Trump is campaigning in a bid to win Republican Party’s nomination for the 2024 US Presidential elections. Currently, he is the favourite Republican candidate as compared to Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley and others, as per recently held polls.

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