Increasingly, Corona cases started decreasing now, 7633 new cases in the last 24 hours, the number of deaths also decreased

Coronavirus Cases Update: Where there was a rapid rise in new cases of corona for the last few days. More than 10 thousand cases of corona were being registered continuously in the country. Now for two days a decline is being seen in the number of corona cases. On Monday, 9 thousand 111 new cases of corona were registered, while now 7 thousand 633 new cases of corona were reported on Tuesday.

According to the data released by the Ministry of Health, 11 people have died due to corona infection in the last 24 hours. The situation in many states still remains critical. With 7 thousand 633 new cases, the total number of active cases of corona has reached 61 thousand 233. Although 6 thousand 702 people have defeated Corona in 24 hours.

4 deaths out of 11 in Delhi alone
The condition of Corona remains serious in many states. Where new cases of infection have decreased, the cases of death have increased. Out of 11 deaths across the country, 4 deaths have occurred in Delhi alone and 4 people have lost their lives in Kerala as well. One person each has lost his life in Haryana, Karnataka and Punjab. According to the data released by the Ministry of Health, so far 4 crore 48 lakh 34 thousand 859 people have become victims of corona infection in the country. 4 crore 42 lakh 42 thousand 474 people have defeated Corona. The recovery rate in the country has been recorded at 98.68 percent and the death rate at 1.18 percent.

Please tell that in view of the increasing cases of corona, the government has issued corona guidelines to the people. Wearing masks has been made mandatory in some states. In some states, along with wearing masks, instructions have been given to use sanitizer and maintain physical distance. Even though the corona cases are less as compared to the last few days, still the situation is not normal.

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