In the name of treatment, a two-month-old girl was burnt with a hot rod, the doctor was arrested by the police

Porbandar Crime: A heart-wrenching case has come to light from Porbandar district of Gujarat. A quack here, to cure cough, stained a two-month-old girl with a hot iron rod, after which the injured innocent girl was admitted to the nearest government hospital for treatment. A police officer gave this information on Sunday (February 12).

Local SP Surjit Mehedu told that on Sunday (February 12) the quack was arrested by the police. Police said that an FIR has been registered against the quack and the child’s mother. He told that the girl has been admitted to the ICU of the local government hospital. His condition is said to be stable.

Parents first did home remedies
According to local SP Surjit Mehedu, “The girl had been complaining of cough for a week, after which her parents tried home remedies, but did not get any relief. After this, the girl’s mother took her to a quack named Devrajbhai Katara.” Where he hit the girl on the chest and abdomen with a hot iron rod.”

The girl was admitted to the government hospital
According to the official, “The matter came to light when the girl’s parents took her to the government hospital in Porbandar when she did not get relief.” Based on the complaint of the girl’s father, an FIR was registered against the quack and the girl’s mother under section 324 (voluntarily causing hurt by an object) of the Indian Penal Code and other provisions, the official said.

Baby girl on oxygen support in ICU
Regarding this matter, the doctor of the hospital Jai Badiani told the media persons, “The girl was brought to the hospital on February 9 after having difficulty in breathing and she was kept in the ICU with the help of oxygen. During the treatment, we found that the girl Has been hit on the chest with a hot iron rod, due to which his problems have increased.

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