In the name of Kovid protocol, China is persecuting Tibetans

China Tibet Covid: China’s zero-Covid policy has made the lives of local Tibetans hell. They are forced to bear the inhuman covid restrictions. Because of these strict rules, Tibetans have been made helpless along with facing harassment and trouble. Because of these rules, the people of Tibet can neither oppose China nor are they allowed to contact their families outside Tibet.

Due to China’s zero covid policy, Tibetans are not even able to get the necessary goods. This also includes medical and food items. According to the report of Tibet Press, the condition is so pathetic that Tibetans are not even allowed to protest and express their opinion under the Zero Covid policy.

People of Tibet are forced to commit suicide

A video was posted on Twitter which showed that the prices of food and drink have skyrocketed in Tibet. Those who raise their voice against this, they have to be harassed by the government machinery on the charge of inciting violence. The video shows Chinese guards assaulting locals, handcuffing them and using pepper spray to restrain protestors.

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The phones of the people who raised their voice were also snatched so that they could not contact anyone. Tibet Press has given this information citing a video of Free Tibet. The situation is so bad that five people committed suicide by jumping from the top of a building in Lhasa due to the inhuman treatment of Tibetans by the Chinese authorities. Local people are committing suicide as a way of silent protest against the very strict Covid protocol implemented by China in Tibet.

People of Tibet are yearning for basic goods

Instead of controlling the corona disease, the Chinese authorities are making the Kovid protocol even more strict, which is causing more harm than benefit to the local people. Fear has prevailed among the people of Tibet to such an extent that they have given up even thinking of opposing China’s attitude. They are afraid that if they protest, they will not be able to get even the basic necessities for living from the Chinese authorities. Citing a report by the International Campaign for Tibet, a pro-Tibet group, the Tibet press has said that even in such dire circumstances, the Chinese authorities’ insistence on controlling the social media of the local people of Tibet, has led to the persecution of the people of Tibet by China. Is doing, its reality could not be revealed in front of the world.

danger of going to jail for protesting

The people of Tibet say that the restrictions imposed under the Kovid protocol are biased against the local people. In October this year, some 200 local people were jailed for suppressing a major protest that started in Lhasa. This was the biggest protest after 2008. The protest involved Han Chinese migrants who had come to Lhasa in search of jobs. This protest turned into a scuffle between the Chinese officials and the local people.

The harassment had increased to such an extent that the protesting people even threatened to burn themselves if the Covid protocol was not removed. All the detained Han Chinese immigrants were later released, but, the local people of Tibet were stopped saying that they would be released on 29 October.

The Tibet Press has quoted a local source of Radio Free Asia as saying that till now there is no information about these Tibetans detained from Chengdu region and Tibet. The source who has given this information has claimed to be a friend of one of these jailed people.

According to the Tibet Press report, all Covid-related restrictions in Lhasa were imposed without further notice and the local people were not even given a chance to prepare. The situation of strictness was such that when only one case of Corona was detected, in some cities the entire building and even the entire campus was sealed.

Atrocities in the name of Covid management

In September this year, Tibet Press released a report. It was said in this that China’s zero covid policy is just a means of atrocity on Tibetans in the name of covid management. It was said in this report that most of the countries are recovering from Kovid but China is still suffering from it. Due to China’s Covid protocol, the life of the local people in Tibet is becoming hell and many Tibetans have left Tibet after getting upset.

There is no improvement in the condition of the local people due to these strict restrictions. Tibet press believes that China is pretending to control Covid in the best way just to create a good image in the world. The Tibet press says that the atrocities being committed by China on the people of Tibet under the Covid protocol should come before the world and should also be held responsible.

read this also: China Covid Protest: Violent protests spread in many cities in China, administration on backfoot removed Covid ban from some places

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