In Baghpat, the young man committed indecency with the village head: had reached the panchayat building to get a fake certificate made, abused him for refusing

Baghpat2 minutes ago

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The case of making fake certificates has come to the fore in Baghpat. A young man asked the head to make a certificate. To which the chief refused to make it. The angry young man uttered caste-indicative words and indecency with the head. assaulted him. The youth also broke the items kept in the panchayat house. After which the village head reached Kotwali Baghpat. Complaining against the accused demanded strict action. Police started investigating the matter.

assault with village head
The case is of Katha village of Baghpat Kotwali area. Where in the evening, the village head Krishnapal was sitting at the Panchayati house. Then Ajay, a youth of the village reached there. Started asking the village head to get the birth certificate signed wrongly.

The village head alleges that the youth wanted to sign the fake birth certificate. When she denied this, the accused youth called her caste-specific words and abused her. The young man beat her up. in which he was injured.
The young man assaulted the village head.

The young man assaulted the village head.

The young man did thousands of damages
The accused youth also vandalized the goods kept in the Panchayati house. In which thousands have been damaged. The victim Pradhan reached Baghpat Kotwali with some of his other companions. Demanded strict action against the accused youth. The police is investigating the matter on the basis of the complaint of the village head.

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