Husband used to keep wife imprisoned in the house: relationship with many women, used to beat up mother and son for protesting

Indore31 minutes ago

A case of a man keeping his wife in captivity has come to light in Indore. To free his mother from the captivity of his father, a 12-year-old child filed a petition in the court through a lawyer. Accepting the petition, the court, taking immediate action, has issued orders to free the woman from imprisonment and give an alimony of five thousand rupees to the mother and son on behalf of the accused. Read here the story of the accused’s wife and son being tortured by threatening …

For a year, the wife was kept locked in the lock

The accused used to keep his wife (37 years) and son (12 years) under lock for the last one year. He used to beat both of them every day. When he went out somewhere, he used to lock his wife and son in the lock. The wife of the accused runs the household expenses by doing sewing work. But the husband roams around the house with a lock from outside throughout the day. He also disputes with those who come to give sewing work at home and used to beat his wife and son every day. He also threatened to kill the mother and son by burning the house with a gas cylinder.

Parle ji was fired from the job eight years ago

The accused lives in Venkatesh Vihar of Bangdada area on Aerodrum Road. Eight years ago in 2014, Parle used to work as a supervisor in the company in Indore itself. Here the accused slapped a helper. Because of this, he was fired from his job. Since then the accused husband started abusing and the process of assault with wife and child had also started since then.

Relationship with other women, used to take son with him

In the petition, the woman also accused the husband of having relations with other women and taking the son along when she went to meet them. This was having a bad effect on the child’s mind. Due to which he was not able to study properly.

Aerodrome police did not take action even after meeting the commissioner
Advocate Krishna Kumar Kunhare, who filed the petition on behalf of the child, said that in March 2022, the victim and her son had met the commissioner Hari Narayan Chari Mishra to narrate the story of the harassment being committed by the accused. On this, Chari ordered the DCP to investigate the matter. In the application, the son had accused the father of showing illegal weapons and threatening to burn the house with a gas cylinder. In this case, the Aerodrome police had reached the victim’s house and came back with only weapons. But no action was taken against the accused in the case.

Such lawyers help
District Court’s lawyer Krishna Kumar Kunhare, Ishwar Kumar Prajapati told that in March 2022, he had come out of the court along with his companions to have lunch. Where the child was wandering and was asking for help while telling his point of view to other lawyers. During this, his eyes fell on the child. First, he made an application and sent the child to the commissioner. But when the police did not take action, the child came to the court looking for them. Here Krishna Kumar and Ishwar Prajapati talked about getting justice for the child and his mother. After which he talked to the District Child Development Officer and filed a petition in the court. In this case a copy was also handed over to the collector.

Court gave this order

In this case, a petition was filed in the court of Magistrate Ankita Tripathi through the child. Where accepting her, instructed the police to give full security to the woman and her son without imprisoning him in the house. The court also ordered the accused to pay alimony of five thousand rupees per month to his wife and child. The court has also made a provision for one year imprisonment and a fine of Rs 2,000 for non-compliance of the order. After the order of the court, the woman and her son are free from bondage.

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