Husband threw acid on wife in Shahjahanpur: Splatter lying in hand, incident outside district hospital, was angry for doing job

Shahjahanpur7 minutes ago

Victim Neerja Yadav.

In Shahjahanpur, the husband threw acid on the wife outside the district hospital. It was a matter of pride that only a few splashes of acid fell on the woman. After this, the accused also beat the wife. Hearing the noise, the people around reached the spot and caught the accused and handed them over to the police. The drunken husband was refusing the wife to get a job in the hospital. On not agreeing, he did this act. SP City has ordered to file a report on the accused.

Neeraj Yadav, a resident of Thana Sadar Bazar area, is a cook in the canteen of the district hospital. The woman is having a dispute with her husband Ravi Rathore. The woman alleges that the husband is addicted to drinking and gambling. After selling all the jewelry, he drank alcohol. For a long time the husband was refusing to work in the hospital. For this, he used to beat her every day. When she came out of the hospital on Tuesday, her husband was standing there with his two companions. He started beating on the road itself. Then acid was thrown. She was scorched by the acid splatter on her hand.

SP City Sanjay Kumar.

Hearing the noise, the local people caught the accused and handed him over to the police. After that the victim woman was admitted to the hospital. It is alleged that even before this, the husband had assaulted her in the middle market. No action was taken against him even after complaining to the police. SP City Sanjay Kumar said that the accused have been arrested and ordered to file a report against him on the basis of Tahrir.

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