How was Tesla caught leaking data in 2008? Elon Musk told

Elon Musk Twitter Followers: Tesla CEO Elon Musk has told an interesting anecdote on his Twitter account, which people are reading a lot. Elon Musk on Sunday responded to a tweet to Indian follower Vaibhav Balghare, explaining how in 2008 his electric car Tesla caught an employee leaking data.

Question and answer round on Twitter handle
Vaibhav Balghare has a very famous Twitter handle by the name of @NASAEarthMars. who asked Elon Musk how he “caught the employee who leaked Tesla’s confidential data and sold it to news outlets?

Elon Musk replied
Tesla CEO said in response that, this is a very interesting story. We sent the same email to everyone in 2008, but it was coded with one or two spaces in between sentences, creating a binary signature that identifies the leaker. Another follower asked Musk what happened to those employees. So Musk replied, “He had to go to pursue his career elsewhere. Another follower on Twitter asked the Tesla CEO if he had taken any legal action against him, to which he said “at the time He was very busy”.

Answer given to Indian engineer
Musk last year in December 2021 responded to Indian engineer Pranay Pathole about how the company had come close to bankruptcy on Christmas Eve during the 2008 financial crisis. On 2008 before Christmas, Tesla funding round completed, Tesla was literally just days away from bankruptcy.” Musk responded to the tweet, saying it was a “crazy tough year”. The last hour of the last day is possible. Payroll would bounce two days later. In 2008, Tesla was in dire need of cash to survive the recession.

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