How to deal with aging: Nutritionist suggests lifestyle changes

Updated On Sep 09, 2022 02:38 PM IST

  • Adding fresh fruits and vegetables to the everyday diet helps in keeping the skin and the hair healthy. It also helps in looking younger.

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Updated on Sep 09, 2022 02:38 PM IST

Aging is a natural process. With time and age, the body starts to show signs of aging. From skin to hair to the natural procedures of the body, everything undergoes a gradual change. Speaking of the same, Nutritionist Anjali Mukerjee wrote, “Aging is a natural process, but we can always control how we deal with it and set our own pace.” she further noted down a few lifestyle and dietary changes that can slow down the process of aging.(Unsplash)

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Adding fresh fruits and vegetables to the everyday diet helps in keeping the skin and the hair healthy. It also helps in looking younger.(Unsplash)

Updated on Sep 09, 2022 02:38 PM IST

Adding fresh fruits and vegetables to the everyday diet helps in keeping the skin and the hair healthy. It also helps in looking younger.(Unsplash)

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Stress shows on the face. In order to get over fast aging, it is important to take some time off and connect with inner self and destress yourself.(Unsplash)

Updated on Sep 09, 2022 02:38 PM IST

Stress shows on the face. In order to get over fast aging, it is important to take some time off and connect with inner self and destress yourself.(Unsplash)

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Physical activities, such as yoga, running, walking or any other form of exercises helps in energising the body and making it look younger and fresher.(Unsplash)

Updated on Sep 09, 2022 02:38 PM IST

Physical activities, such as yoga, running, walking or any other form of exercises helps in energising the body and making it look younger and fresher.(Unsplash)

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Connecting with the fun side of life helps in feeling happier and fresh. Happiness helps in slowing the aging process.(Unsplash)

Updated on Sep 09, 2022 02:38 PM IST

Connecting with the fun side of life helps in feeling happier and fresh. Happiness helps in slowing the aging process.(Unsplash)

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A healthy night sleep can cure a lot of things. It helps in relaxing the mind and body, and making it ready for the next day.(Unsplash)

Updated on Sep 09, 2022 02:38 PM IST

A healthy night sleep can cure a lot of things. It helps in relaxing the mind and body, and making it ready for the next day.(Unsplash)

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Relevant nutrition and supplements under the guidance of a nutritionist should be added in the daily diet.(Unsplash)

Updated on Sep 09, 2022 02:38 PM IST

Relevant nutrition and supplements under the guidance of a nutritionist should be added in the daily diet.(Unsplash)


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