How do celebs like their cuppa joe?

As the International Coffee Day recently went by, we bring you the go-to orders of celebs from the West to inspire your next coffee outing. From additional flavours to different varieties of milk, here’s a look at what these stars swear by to brew brilliance through the day
Singer Taylor Swift’s preferred coffee is a grande non-fat caramel latte

As It Was singer Harry Styles likes to opt for a vanilla latte with a shot of caramel creamer. As per reports, he also likes citrus tea and spearmint for an extra kick.

Singer Taylor Swift’s preferred coffee is a grande non-fat caramel latte. When a popular coffee chain introduced it on the menu, customers referred to the beverage as ‘“Taylor’s Latte” or “Taylor’s Version”. Apart from this variety, Swift also often reaches out for iced Americano.

Actor-filmmaker Ben Affleck likes to go for a Frappuccino with whipped cream. Sometimes, he also opts for an iced coffee with milk and two sugars.

Media personality Kim Kardashian likes a short white chocolate mocha with one shot of espresso and two pumps of white chocolate mocha sauce. In an interview earlier, she had said, “They have to be the smallest size or they don’t taste the same to me.”

Emmy Award-winning actor and singer Zendaya’s go-to order is an iced matcha tea latte with coconut milk. Her favourite drink was revealed by a Twitter user who’d taken her order at a coffee shop in California. Her other fave is decaf caramel Frappuccino with caramel and chocolate at the bottom.

‘The stronger the better’ is TV personality Khloe Kardashian’s coffee preference. Her regular order at a popular coffee chain is a large chai latte with seven pumps of chai syrup and no water.

Singer-songwriter Ariana Grande is a frappe lover as she likes to drink an extra-sweet vanilla bean Frappuccino without cream

Your ultimate guide to the different types of coffee

Latte, flat white, cortado… gets too confusing? Well, here’s what you need to know:

Black coffee is made from plain ground coffee beans steeped in hot water

Latte is 1/3 espresso and 2/3 steamed milk layered with a dollop of milk foam

Cappuccino has equal parts of espresso, steamed milk and foam

Macchiato which means stained or spotted, consists of a shot of espresso with a dash of steamed milk or foam

Americano comprises espresso in hot water

Mocha is made with espresso, chocolate, steamed milk and foam

Flat white is a higher ratio of espresso with steamed milk

Cortado is half espresso, half steamed milk with no foam

Frappe is often used to describe a slush-like beverage containing espresso, milk, flavoured syrup and whipped cream

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