How do astronauts clean up in space? watch video

Astronauts Life: Have you ever wondered what it might be like to work in space? Astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS) live and work in an environment that is very different from Earth.

live like normal people

These people also spend their life like normal days. Like all of us, they also maintain their personal cleanliness. use the toilet. Eat food and drink and keep yourself healthy. They carry out all these activities in zero gravity in the space station.

shared video on instagram page

The European Space Agency (ESA) recently shared a video on its Instagram page. In this, the difficulties of daily life of astronauts have been shown. They seem to be doing the cleaning. The video has been shared with a caption, “The go-to song for your cleaning day? On the ISS.

Astronauts cannot even avoid weekend chores and have to do housekeeping on Saturday mornings. In the video, the astronauts are seen cleaning up dust holes, food stains and cleaning commonly used machines to protect them from germs.

Millions of people watched the video

Since the sharing of this video, it has been seen by about 6.5 lakh people and more than 28 thousand people have liked it. According to the European Space Agency, “The ISS is moving 400 kilometers away from Earth, and everything needs to be carried there from Earth. This means that astronauts have to store resources like water and food, and waste their lives.” At least it needs to be done.

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