Hijab movement got America’s support, Iran said – Joe Biden trying to incite unrest

Iran Anti-Hijab Protest: In Iran, people continue to demonstrate on the streets for not wearing the hijab. Now US President Joe Biden has also supported this nationwide protest. He said that he was surprised by the courage of people taking to the streets in protest in Iran. Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasir Kanani has lodged an objection to this.

In fact, after the death of Mahsa Amini on 16 September, people are continuously demonstrating in Iran. Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanani said Biden had interfered in Iran’s internal affairs by supporting the riots. He says that in recent days, the US administration has tried to provoke unrest in Iran in many ways.

Worldwide discussion about hijab and burqa

Let us tell you that for the last few days, there is a lot of discussion about hijab and burqa all over the world. There is a lot of debate on this from Iran to India. Now America has also jumped in the middle of this matter and has also supported the people protesting in Iran. There is a lot of ruckus in Iran after the murder of a woman for not wearing a hijab. Here women are demonstrating that the mandatory requirement of wearing hijab should be abolished.

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Protests over hijab growing in Iran

During the protest, many women took off the hijab and threw it, while some women were also seen performing with hijab. In India too, people of many Muslim communities believe and follow the hijab. On many occasions, from women to girls, they are seen in hijab. Today (October 16) amidst protests, an incident of fire has also come to the fore in the infamous Avin Prison in Tehran, the capital of Iran. Anti-government activists are kept here. Among them, many people who oppose the hijab are also imprisoned.

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