Healthy eating: Do we need portion control? A nutritionist on tips to eat right

Portion control is a method of eating where one consumes a specific amount of food while being conscious about the calorie intake. While portion control is considered a healthy way to curb overeating, improve digestive system by preventing food overload, and maintaining a healthy weight, it could also mean not following body cues related to appetite and eating mechanically rather than mindfully. Portion control can at times deprive the body of nutrients when it needs them and may also lead to unhealthy cravings later in the day. (Also read: 4 health benefits of adding whole grains to your diet)

Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar took to Instagram to encourage eating correctly rather than controlling portion. According to Diwekar, portion control can leave you confused and conflicted about the amount of food we are eating. She says portion control is not possible as there are many factors that influence what we feel like eating from stress, sleep, reasons for eating to company we are keeping.

Diwekar however, feels each one of us can learn to eat correctly.

The nutritionist offers 4 tips to eat the right amount of food every day:

– Sit down every time you are eating: Sitting down helps you relax and pay attention to your appetite

– Eat with all of your senses: Mindful eating is quite healthy as you pay attention to every morsel and how your food is making you feel.

– Eat slowly: Eating slowing means chewing your food properly which not only aids digestion but also helps you receive signal of satiety and prevent overeating

– Eat at least one meal every week by yourself: When you eat in the company of others, we are influenced by what they are eating and we are also not paying attention to our food.

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