HC notice to Punjab government: Status report on church security arrangements summoned; Demolition in Tarn Taran Church

Chandigarh19 minutes ago

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The Punjab and Haryana High Court has issued a notice to the government regarding the security of churches in Punjab. The High Court has called for a status report from the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government. A few days ago, some people vandalized the church in Tarn Taran during the night. Later, the priest’s car was also burnt. Against this, National Christian League and Sukhjinder Singh of Chandigarh filed a petition in the High Court.


fears of communal riots
In the petition filed in the High Court, it was said that if the police did not act, then there could be communal riots in Punjab. The Christian brotherhood is feeling insecure after the incident at Tarn Taran Church. He had sought directions to the Punjab Police and the government for the protection of churches and Christian brotherhood.

Statue of Lord Jesus and Mother Mary destroyed in Tarn Taran
A few days ago, some people attacked the church in Tarn Taran at midnight. Who broke the head of the idol of Lord Jesus and Mother Mary outside the church. The priest’s car was also set on fire. The Christian brotherhood also had to stage a sit-in for justice in this regard. The entire incident was captured in the CCTV camera. After which the police registered the case.

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