Haryana’s Nikki Yadav murder case, VIDEO: Younger sister Nidhi surfaced for the first time – Sahil also died in agony, talk of live-in is false

JhajjarOne hour ago

Nidhi, sister of Nikki Yadav of Haryana, who was murdered in Delhi, spoke openly on this case for the first time. Nidhi herself does not want to come forward yet but through the audio interview, she revealed many new facts about Nikki and Sahil.

Nikki Yadav was strangulated to death by her boyfriend Sahil Gehlot in Delhi on February 10 with the data cable of a mobile phone and then hid her body in the fridge of his dhaba.

Nikki Yadav’s sister Nidhi, a resident of Jhajjar, said – I want that boy to be hanged. The way he killed my sister, in the same way he died in agony. I don’t want to see him alive in this world. He killed my sister. He should also die. He should die the way he killed my sister, brutally.

Pointing to her sister and Shraddha murder case, Nidhi said, ‘Today no one is safe because of boys like these. It is my request to the government that they should be punished in such a way that no boy dares to do this to any girl in the future.
Read the conversation with Nidhi…

Question, Did you know Sahil? Have you ever had a conversation?
Fund: No, I do not know Sahil. I never had any conversation with him. I didn’t know anything. I came to know on the same day (10 February itself).

Question, Has Nikki ever mentioned anything?
Fund: Nikki never mentioned anything. It never appeared on his face that he is upset or anything like that. To say that we were sisters, but there is a gap of only 1-2 years in our age. He never said anything that made it seem like he had a problem.

Question, Sisters often share things with each other, must have Nikki said something to you?
Fund: No, he never told what is going on in his life. By the way, we used to laugh and play.

Question , Do you have hope from the investigating agency?
Fund: I have a complaint that why the police is not arresting Sahil’s family members? Why are they not being asked that their son committed the murder and then came home and married another girl the next day. Even then why didn’t Sahil’s family get a clue where he was all night? I do not believe that his family members do not know anything. He should also be questioned.

Question, What is the truth about Nikki and Sahil being in a live-in relationship?
Fund: I do not agree with this. If anything like this had happened, we would have known. Never even heard of such a thing. We didn’t even know there was a boy with her.

Question, What do you think is the reason behind this theory of the police?
Fund: Maybe the police wants to put pressure on us. We are being pressurized not to press too hard in this case.

Haryana’s Nikki murder case: Younger sister found out the number of the killer Sahil, the secret revealed by his evasive answer


The whole secret of Nikki Yadav murder case of Jhajjar, Haryana was revealed because of her younger sister Nidhi. Actually Nidhi and Nikki used to live together in Uttam Nagar, Delhi. When Nikki did not return home, the family contacted Nidhi. It was Nidhi who found Sahil’s number. After that father talked to him, Sahil kept giving evasive answers. After which his suspicion increased and he found Nikki’s dead body through his acquaintance in the crime branch. Read the full news here…

Nikki Yadav Murder Case: Sahil got engaged on February 9, strangled Nikki the next morning; got married at night

New information has come to light in Delhi’s Nikki Yadav murder case. According to the police, a day before Nikki was strangled to death on February 10, Sahil had returned after getting engaged to a girl of his family’s choice. Read full news…

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