Guest Column by Isha Borah: A celebration of sustainability

The festivities are here, and so are blockbuster deals that entice many of us to buy a few things we desperately need and many things we don’t. A false FOMO (fear of missing out) is induced to run this vicious cycle of buying more than you need. This is hyperconsumerism. And it is killing the planet.

Fashion is the second most polluting agent in the world and accounts for about 10 per cent of carbon dioxide emissions. Every fashion and decor item you buy is either a by-product or raw material for this environmental depletion. So, this festive season, be mindful of your shopping.

Welcome minimalism

Less is more. It is also elegant, chic, and sustainable. Say goodbye to filling up your cart during the alluring sale bonanzas of this period. Make a list of things you desperately want to buy and only buy those. Don’t fall for anything else, however exciting the deal might be.

Upcycle style

Creating something of your own is always special and rewarding, especially upcycling an old piece of fabric and giving it a new life. I remember how my grandparents upcycled almost every piece of cloth and made something new out of it. Until a few years back, this was a dying trait, but now I am glad to see that many people

have adopted this as a lifestyle. Grab that old piece of fabric and see what you can create for this festive season.

Sustainable alternatives

Fast fashion is killing our planet like no other lifestyle choice. Today, almost every type of clothing has a sustainable alternative. Do some online research and find the one that best suits you. Hundred per cent or recycled cotton, linen, hemp, and bamboo are great sustainable fabrics that you may want to invest in. Trust me, it’s worth it for your skin and the planet, both!


We all have bought something that we hardly or never use. Some of these things are lying in the corners of our wardrobes. But hoarding is not cool. What you don’t use can be a resource for someone else. So, make it a point to either resell or donate your hoarded wardrobe periodically. Pro Tip: The donated outfits must be in wearable condition, please. Nobody likes worn-out stuff, not even the homeless.

(As told to Karishma Kuenzang)
Isha Borah

Isha Borah (@ishaborah) is a fashion influencer and promoter of minimal fashion.

I Say Chaps is a column that allows passionate, creative people a platform to have their say.

From HT Brunch, October 8, 2022

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