Grand Kalash Yatra out in Ashoknagar: Tarpan Shiva Mahapuran story will start from tomorrow, thousands of devotees are joining

Ashoknagar24 minutes ago

The Kalash Yatra was taken out a day before the story of Tarpan Shiva Mahapuran to be held in Ashok Nagar. The Kalash Yatra started from the Hazareshwar temple in the city from 2 on Sunday, in which thousands of devotees attended. Thousands of women carrying a urn on their heads reached the Balaji temple by car passing through the main square squares of the city. Where the Kalash Yatra ended. Har Har Mahadev’s cheers reverberated as soon as the narrator reached Pradeep Mishra.

Shiva Mahapuran Katha is going to be organized for the first time in Ashok Nagar. This event will be held in the new agricultural produce market, the story will start from Monday. Earlier on Sunday, a grand Kalash Yatra was taken out. MP Doctor KP Yadav went ahead carrying Shiv Mahapuran on his head, along with his wife Anuradha Yadav carrying the Kalash in front of him and thousands of women with him reached Balaji temple with strings on his head. All the women carrying the urn joined in wearing a yellow sari.

Aarti by showering flowers at places

During the Kalash Yatra, aarti was performed at the place of Shiva Mahapuran by showering flowers. The residents of the city actively participated in the Kalash Yatra. During this, devotees continued to walk for hours on the main roads of the city. The drums from Maharashtra were the center of attraction in the Kalash Yatra.

From tomorrow there will be Tarpan Shiv Mahapuran

The land of Ashoknagar is considered to be the land of Rajarajeshwar, where there is a temple of Lord Rajarajeshwar Mahadev. From there the Kalash Yatra was taken out and the Mahapuran is going to be organized for the first time in their city. An event is being organized in favor of Pitru Paksha which will be done by Pandit Pradeep Mishra Sehore people. The Katha will start from 19th September and will run till 25th September.

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