Governor Purohit said openly on VC controversy: In Tamil Nadu, posts were sold for 40-50 crores; Secret appointment is not good in Punjab

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  • The State Government Cannot Interfere In The Affairs Of The University; The Oath Was Administered To The CM

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Punjab Governor Banwari Lal Purohit speaking at a press conference.

Governor BL Purohit came out in the open after the controversy over the appointment of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government’s CM Bhagwant Mann as the Vice Chancellor (VC) of the Punjab Agricultural University (PAU). He clearly said that the state government cannot interfere in the working of the university. The Punjab government says that the appointment of VC is the right of the board, then the chairman of that board is the chancellor (governor).

It is not right to make appointments secretly without informing the board chairman i.e. the governor. The truth is that the state government cannot interfere in the affairs of the university. I had administered the oath to Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann, he should understand.

Governor BL Purohit said that I was the governor of Tamil Nadu for 4 years. The system there was very bad. The post of chancellor in Tamil Nadu was sold for Rs 40-50 crore. I had appointed 27 VCs of universities in Tamil Nadu as per law. Punjab government should learn from me how the work is done?
Dr. Satbir Singh Gosal, Vice Chancellor of Punjab Agricultural University, after whose appointment a dispute arose between the Governor and the AAP government.

Dr. Satbir Singh Gosal, Vice Chancellor of Punjab Agricultural University, after whose appointment a dispute arose between the Governor and the AAP government.

I don’t know who is capable in Punjab
The governor said that I do not know who is capable and who is not capable in Punjab. I want to see improvement in education system. Punjab government sent me three letters for extension of the term of VC. If the governor has no role in the appointment of the vice chancellor, then how can there be a role in the extension of the term. According to the Act also the chairman of the board is the governor.

Supreme Court’s judgment told
Governor Banwari Lal Purohit gave two judgments of the Supreme Court for Gujarat and Bengal. Every university is under the Central Act. The Gujarat government had also made the same argument in the Supreme Court, but the central rule was held to be valid.

Punjab government did not send the panel
Governor Banwari Lal Purohit said that the Punjab Government has not sent any panel for the VC of Punjab Agricultural University (PAU). The government has sent only one name so far. The governor had objected to the appointment of Dr. Satbir Singh Gosal, appointed VC of the AAP government, and rejected it.

Governor does not want to register a case
Governor Banwari Lal Purohit also reacted to the controversy surrounding him posting a Punjabi letter in English and on social media. He said that he does not want to register any case in this matter.

It was not right to call the session for the trust vote.
The governor said the AAP government could not have called a session only to prove the trust vote. I have no personal displeasure with the government. He said that I had canceled the session of AAP only after taking legal advice. When the government talked about discussing the affairs of Punjab, I had given permission. Punjab government should understand from me.

Set up a sub-committee and decide the process
The Governor said that the Punjab government should decide the process by forming a sub-committee as per the rules. Then call interview for VC. After that the Punjab government will send the file to me. Governor said that in Tamil Nadu also I have appointed VC under the same process. I have been the chancellor of 27 universities, so now if someone explains the rules to me, it is not right.

I will take legal advice if there is no consensus
Governor Banwari Lal Purohit said that if the Punjab government sticks to its wrong stand and appoints a VC at its own level, then he will take legal opinion in the matter. He said that if Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann wants to come to me regarding the matter, then he can come. Still, if the insistence of the government remains intact, then I will take further action after legal advice.

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