Good news for central employees! After dearness allowance, this allowance will also increase, know

7th Pay Commission: Central employees have recently been given the benefit of increase in DA hike ie Dearness Allowance by the Modi government. The government has recently increased the DA of central employees from 34 percent to 38 percent. In such a situation, the DA has been increased by a full 4 percent. Now after this decision, the government is going to give another good news to the workers. Now the government can take a decision to increase the travel allowance of government employees. Along with this, the Finance Ministry has made a rule regarding the official tour of the personnel. The government has issued a notification regarding this.

Central employees will get the benefit of travel allowance-
Recently, the Department of Expenditure (DoE) of the Ministry of Finance has issued a notification. According to this, if an employee goes on an official tour, then he can travel by Tejas train for this. Giving information about this, the Ministry has issued a notice saying that the officials are going for an official tour and if they make their reservation in Tejas, then the government is giving concession in the fare. Apart from the official tour, this travel allowance will also be given to the employee (Travel Allowance for Central Government Employees) in case of any tour, training, transfer or retirement. Along with this, the eligibility of those traveling in this Tejas train is same as that of Shatabdi trains. It has been claimed in many media reports that the government may soon take a decision on increasing the travel allowance of the employees, but so far no official information has been received on this matter.

The travel allowance of central personnel was divided into a total of 3 categories.
Significantly, the travel allowance of central employees has been divided into a total of three categories. A travel allowance of Rs 1,350 is available in the first category. On the other hand, employees of level 3 to 8 get travel allowance up to Rs 3,600. At the same time, at the level above 9, travel allowance is available more than Rs 7,200. Along with this, travel allowance is also being decided according to the cities.

If you live in a metro city and are an employee above level 9, then you will get Rs 7,200 as travel allowance. On the other hand, employees of smaller cities will get Rs 3,600 and employees of the smallest city will get Rs 1,800 as TA. On the other hand, Level 1 and 2 employees will get Rs 1,350 in big cities and Rs 900 in small cities as travel allowance.

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These personnel get the facility of car-
On the other hand, central employees above level 14 are officers of the rank of cabinet secretary, they also get a car allowance every month. For this, they are given Rs 15,750 for the car. This facility is available to employees with pay grade of 14 or more.

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