GOG opposes cabinet minister by waving black flags: Punjab is on the path of development but some forces want to disturb: Dhaliwal

Chandigarh25 minutes ago

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GOG protesters protesting against the Punjab government.

Cabinet Minister Kuldeep Singh Dhaliwal, who had arrived at a school program located in Fatehgarh Chudiyan, a light area of ​​Batala, was to attend. But before that, the Punjab government was fiercely opposed by the Guardians of Governance (GOG) by waving black flags at the venue. A large number of policemen were deployed on the spot, who pacified the protests by persuading the (GOG) members. The GOG protesters said that the government had dismissed the GOG scheme prosperity keeper on 9 September 2022 without giving any notice. This has hurt the self-respect of the group soldiers by saying that the GOG scheme has been a complete failure in making it successful for the purpose for which they were appointed. There has been no contribution to this in the last 4 years. He said that the responsibility given by the Punjab government to the GOG was to see with eyes, listen with ears and bring the ground reality to the notice of the government. In fact, 26 welfare schemes were being run by the Central Government and the Punjab Government for the families living below the poverty line in the form of assistance to raise their standard of living. The protesters said that the meeting was not being held by the minister or CM of the current government by giving them time. The GOG protesters said that their struggle would continue until the scheme was reinstated.

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