Girlfriend killed boyfriend, girl’s mother and uncle supported, police arrested

Kerala Crime News: In Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, a girl had asked her boyfriend to break up with her boyfriend, but the boy refused to break up. To get rid of him, the girl called him to his house and put him to death by poisoning the juice. After which the police arrested the girl. When the police investigated the matter, it was revealed that two relatives of the girl were also involved in the conspiracy to kill the girl’s boyfriend.

girl attempted suicide

Strict action will be taken against police personnel 

Superintendent of Police D. Silpa told reporters that disciplinary action would be taken against the women policemen who were posted to supervise the accused and took him to a toilet other than the designated toilet.

< p style="text-align: justify;">because of this the lover was put to death

Grishma was taken into custody on the night of 30 October after confessing to poisoning Sharon, a resident of Parsala in the district, who was 23 years old. Actually, the girl’s marriage was fixed with another person, so she was asking her lover to break up.

boyfriend did not mention the role of the girl

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