Gangster-Police encounter in Punjab: Covert firing in sugarcane field in Gurdaspur; Police looking for drone by sealing the area

Gurdaspur4 minutes ago

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An encounter is going on between the police and the gangster in village Kotla Boja Singh, near Achchal Sahib on the Batala-Jalandhar road in Gurdaspur, Punjab. Police have detained the wife and child of gangster Amritpal Singh Mam. While the gangster hiding in the sugarcane field is intermittently firing at the police. SSP Batala Surinder Singh himself is leading this operation.

Police are looking for Amritpal through binoculars. He is repeatedly being asked to surrender. Seeing the increasing firing, the police have also ordered bullet proof vehicles.
The police asked gangster Bablu to surrender by taking his name.

The police asked gangster Bablu to surrender by taking his name.

Police sealed the entire area
At present, the police have completely sealed the village Kotla Boja Singh and its adjoining villages. All roads leading to the village have been blocked. The police have appealed to the people of the village not to come out of their homes. So that they are not harmed by the shelling between the police and the gangster. At the same time, people coming to the village have also been stopped outside.

Dairywal Ka Hey Gangster
According to the information, the gangster Amritpal Singh alias Mamm is a resident of Dairywal village falling under the police station Tariska of district Amritsar. He was wanted by the police in a case registered on September 19 under the Arms Act and intentional murder at Rangad Nangal police station of Batala. When Batala police raided his house, he was not present in the house.

Police team searching for gangster in sugarcane field.

Police team searching for gangster in sugarcane field.

was going with wife and child
When the police interrogated Amritpal Singh alias Mam’s mother Manjeet Kaur in custody, she told that Amritpal Singh alias Mamma has come with his wife and child to Dharampura Colony of Batala. Heading towards Jalandhar Road. On the way to Batala, the gangster, who was going on a motorcycle with his wife and child, came face to face with the police. When the police tried to stop him, he fired three pistols and fled from there.

Police team reached the spot.

Police team reached the spot.

hidden in the sugarcane field
The police took his wife and child into custody. Meanwhile, Amritpal Singh fled and hid in the sugarcane fields in village Kotla Boja Singh. The police have cordoned off the fields from all sides and firing is taking place in between.

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