Foreigners will have to tell the story of Palestinian love to the Israeli army, know what is the matter

Israeli Palestine News: Israel has also put a guard on the love of the Palestinians. According to the new rules that came into force on Monday, foreigners who fall in love in the West Bank, occupied by Israel, will have to inform the country’s Defense Ministry. The rules set out in a lengthy document include a demand for foreigners to notify Israeli authorities within 30 days of starting a relationship with a Palestinian ID holder.

It is believed to be part of tightening rules on foreigners living in or wishing to travel to the West Bank. On the other hand, Palestinians and Israeli NGOs have accused him of “taking sanctions to a new level”.

Now a special permit to go to the West Bank

Foreigners will now need a special permit to enter Palestinian settlements in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, effective from Monday. For this, the rules and regulations have also become more strict than before. But Israel has not banned foreigners from going to Israeli settlements. The lengthy 97-page document describes the lengthy rules governing the movement and stay of foreigners in Israeli-held Palestinian territory. The rules state that any foreigner who falls in love with a Palestinian in the West Bank must inform Israel’s Defense Ministry before marrying or getting engaged to them.

What happens if a foreigner falls in love with a Palestinian?

The new rules clearly state that if a non-Israeli marries abroad with a person of Palestinian origin or a Palestinian in the West Bank, he will not be granted visa on arrival on arrival. For this, you have to apply for a permit at least 45 days in advance. If the foreigner’s love affair with Palestine after his arrival in the West Bank connects with the Palestinian, then he will have to inform the Israeli Defense Ministry’s agency Cogat within 30 days.

The Israeli Defense Ministry has seen the relationship of love as a physical relationship in the new rules. Along with this, such a couple will also have to give this information to the Palestinian authorities and if it does not happen within 90 days, they will be expelled from the country. If they marry, they must leave the country after 27 months within a cooling-off period of at least half a year. It is worth noting that these rules and regulations were made by the Israeli Defense Ministry’s agency Cogat in February itself. But due to legal hurdles, their release got delayed.

Palestinian universities also banned

New sanctions on Palestinian universities include 150 student visas and a quota for 100 foreign lecturers, while no such limit has been placed in Israel. Businessmen and aid organizations say they will also be badly affected. The new rules put strict limits on the duration of visas and visa extensions, which in many cases prevent people from working or volunteering in the West Bank for more than a few months.

It is noteworthy that Jessica Montell, executive director of the Israeli non-governmental organization HaMoked, says, “It is the demographic engineering of Palestinian society and the strategy of isolating Palestinian society from the outside world, which allows people to enter Palestinian institutions.” Make it extremely strict to come and work, volunteer, invest, teach and study.” Montel has filed a petition in the Israeli High Court against these new rules. It is noteworthy that 55 years ago, Israel occupied the West Bank from Jordan in the 1967 Middle East war. Today, Kogat, a unit of the Ministry of Defense of Israel, handles the administration of the Palestine Territory.

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