Floods in Pakistan: Pregnant women are in danger in Pakistan, due to floods lakhs of homes and

UNFPA Report : The havoc of Floods in Pakistan is still going on. Lakhs of people are forced to leave their homes here. At the same time, hundreds of people have died due to this flood so far. In such a situation, now the danger for the women here seems to be increasing. Here lakhs of pregnant women are in dire need of health service. There are also 73,000 such women, who are going to give birth to children in the next month itself.

The situation in Pakistan is continuously deteriorating. Now another worrying news has disturbed the people here. While people are becoming homeless due to floods, on the other hand pregnant women have also been forced to come on the streets. These women need the most care at this time. At the same time, the risk of gender-based violence on girls has also increased.

danger to pregnant women

According to the UNFPA report, more than five lakh pregnant women in flood-affected areas are in dire need of maternal health. At the same time, many women are at increased risk of gender-based violence. At least 6.4 million people are in need of humanitarian aid, and 1.6 million of them are women and girls after the recent floods caused by torrential rains.

People being homeless due to floods in Pakistan

The report states that 73,000 women are expected to give birth next month. During this time they will need a skilled birth attendant and newborn care. This is a situation when both the mother and the baby are vulnerable and need the most care. One million houses have been damaged due to the floods. However, he said that UNFP is working closely with all the colleagues on the ground.

negative impact on health facilities

UNFP’s Pakistan representative Dr Bakhtior Kadyrov told that the agency is constantly working for women in such a situation, so that pregnant women can get life saving services even in the most challenging situations. Health facilities have been affected the most in Sindh. At the same time, in Balochistan, 198 health facilities have been damaged in the affected districts.

In view of this, UNFPA Pakistan has started delivering 8,311 Garima Kits, 7,411 Newborn Baby Kits and 6,412 Swachh Delivery Kits for immediate delivery in Sindh, Balochistan and KP.

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