Fire from the box at the Birthday party in Bhind

Bhind28 minutes ago

Firing the air after cutting the cake.

In Bhind, the birthday cake was cut in the open ground by some youths in the outpost of ward number 20 Kori. Illegal weapons were waved by youths here. During this, while celebrating his birthday, he also fired joyfully with illegal kattas. Panic spread in the Chokia locality of the Koreans due to these youths firing alternately.

this is the incident

The incident is said to have happened around 10 pm on Wednesday night. Balmiki Mohalla and Shakya Samaj’s Mohalla are adjacent in Ward No. 20. There is a mutual tension between the youths of these two localities. The youths of both the localities want to show themselves as domineering. Due to this, the birthday cake was cut in Chokia locality of Koriyas. According to the local people, the cake was cut by the youths of the Balmiki community in the open ground of the locality and fire was also fired from the katta to show their arrogance here. This incident has created panic among the people of the Shakya community. The entire matter was informed by the local people to the Kotwali police. However, the police reached the spot. But the youth had left before the police. After that the police came back. Ward councilor Vinod Sharma also reached on this occasion. The local people also gave a video of the aerial fire by the youths to the ward councillor. This video was also given to the police. After this this video has surfaced on social media.

Fire broke out in the night

  • Some youths cut the cake while celebrating the birthday, after which they fired in the air. This information was given to the police. The police arrived but by then these youths were gone. Such acts disturb the peace of the society.

Vinod Sharma, Councilor, Ward No. 20, Bhind

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