Fire broke out in District and Sessions Court: The fire department got the fire under control by working hard

Jabalpur32 minutes ago

A sudden fire broke out in the Jabalpur District and Sessions Court on Monday evening, the fire created an atmosphere of chaos around, the good thing was that today was a holiday, due to which there were neither lawyers nor judges in the District and Sessions Court. After the information, the fire brigade reached the spot and then the fire in the District and Sessions Court was extinguished.

According to the information, the fire had reached the sitting area of ​​the lawyers inside the District and Sessions Court. It is being told that the fire started due to short circuit. Wherever the advocates sit there, all the lawyers worshiped and were burnt. Due to which there is a possibility of fire.

Three vehicles of the fire brigade reached the spot and extinguished the fire, even after this, the fire was spreading continuously in the District and Sessions Court. Lawyers also reached on the information of the fire in the court and finally the fire was brought under control after hard work. At present the situation is under control now.

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