Fight over old enmity: Some people attacked the battery vendor with a sword, treatment continues, police engaged in investigation

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  • Some People Attacked The Battery Vendor With A Sword, Treatment Continued, Police Engaged In Investigation

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Sudhir Yadav, the operator of Riya Battery in Ramgarh under Kotwali police station of Sidhi district, was assaulted by many people and left in an injured state and fled from there. Some people nearby informed Sudhir’s brother about the matter, after which his brother came and admitted Sudhir Yadav to the district hospital Sidhi in an injured condition.

Giving information, brother Sujit Yadav said that some people had called me that many people are attacking your brother with swords. After which I reached the spot, then my brother was lying in an injured condition and some people were running from there. I saw six to seven people running from there, whom I recognized.

Many people did a deadly attack with a sword

Sudhir’s brother told that due to old enmity, there was a deadly attack on his brother. Rajguru Mishra, Shailendra Mishra, Ajay Mishra, Sibu Mishra, Sanjeev Mishra and 4 other companions attacked him with swords, sticks, sticks. In which he is seriously injured.

Whose treatment is currently going on in the district hospital. Kotwali police station in-charge Ashok Gautam told that a case has been registered in serious crimes related to killing. Meanwhile, the search for the criminals is on.

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