Festive heart ailments: Causes and preventive tips

Festive season might be the time for many people when their heart disease manifests, especially those with high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and smoking habits. As it’s a time of celebration, many people indulge in drinking and taking salty snacks or food high in fats and oils.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Ashish Agarwal Director, Cardiology – Unit 1 at Aakash Healthcare, revealed that this overindulgence could lead to festive heart syndrome, which is most common at this time of the year. He shared, “While people with pre-existing heart issues are most likely to experience this, it can also happen to people without any heart issues. Every year, several people are hospitalized with heart arrhythmia after the festive season.”

He explained, “Festive heart ailments hit a peak during this season as people tend to forget their medications, overindulge in unhealthy food and alcohol and skip exercise due to a slight nip in the weather. On top of this, high cholesterol and smoking can make the matters worse, leading to heart failure or even death in many cases.”

He advised, “It is recommended not to overindulge in salty foods and alcohol, stay away from smoking (even second-hand smoke) and seek immediate medical attention. Delayed heart attack treatment can cause incremental heart muscle damage, which can lead to heart failure, arrhythmias and other potentially lethal complications.”

According to Dr Rohit Chopra, MD, DM (Cardiology), Chief Interventional Cardiologist on HealthPlix EMR Platform, “The prevalence of Cardiovascular Diseases has increased rapidly in both urban and rural India, making it one of the leading causes of death. Post Covid-19, the situation has worsened with an increase in sudden cardiac deaths among young adults and acute heart attacks in the younger population. Diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, smoking, obesity and stress are just a few of the leading causes of heart disease.”

He suggested, “The need of the hour is to prioritise heart health by becoming more aware and informed about the importance of a healthy lifestyle. The management of heart conditions requires regular health check-ups and timely interventions. Healthy exercise of 30 minutes of moderate intensity 5 days a week is one of the best ways to keep your heart healthy. Let us take advantage of this opportunity to raise awareness about CVDs and create a healthier India.”

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