Fearing being caught in Gopalganj jail, prisoner swallowed mobile phone, condition critical

Gopalganj Crime: A strange case has come to light from Bihar’s Gopalganj Division Jail. Where an undertrial in jail swallowed a mobile phone to avoid being caught during checking. When the prisoner started having severe stomach pain, he had to be admitted to Sadar Hospital in a hurry. When the doctors examined the prisoner, the doctors found that the man had a mobile phone in his stomach.

Dr. Salam Siddiqui, posted in the Emergency Ward of Sadar Hospital, told that Kaiser Ali, a prisoner of Bihar’s Gopalganj Divisional Jail, was admitted on Saturday (February 18) night due to sudden abdominal pain. X-ray of his stomach has been done. The doctor said that foreign particles were clearly visible during the examination. There needs to be a thorough investigation.

The prisoner has been in jail for the last three years

Inmate Kaisar Ali said that he swallowed the mobile phone fearing that he would be caught by a constable, but within no time he developed severe stomach pain. Police said that the jail administration had admitted the prisoner to Sadar Hospital, where he is undergoing treatment. Kaisar Ali is in jail for the last three years. Police told that he was a resident of nearby village and son of Babujan Miyan. Kaisar Ali was arrested on January 17, 2020 by the city police station near Hajiyapur village with smack (narcotic substance).

the prisoner carried a small phone

The prisoner told that, he used to keep a small mobile of Chinese company in the jail, with that mobile he used to talk to the people of his house. Meanwhile, after being informed about the investigation in the jail, he swallowed the mobile.

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