Father-Son fell from 6th floor: Kept in agony for 15 minutes; death in hospital

Bhopal4 minutes ago

Father fell first from the 6th floor of the hotel, then son. Another young man fell on his son. For 15 minutes, all three kept on agonizing there. The father and son died in the hospital.

Father and son fell from the 6th floor of Hotel Reshumrao on Raisen Road in Bhopal. The accident happened at 10 pm on Sunday night. A father-son contractor and a worker were setting up the centering. Meanwhile, a wooden pillar slipped due to the push. Due to this, all three fell down from a height of 70 feet. He was under pressure to complete the work by Diwali.

Mohammad Hanif (50), a resident of Kabitpura, was the centering contractor. He had taken the contract of renovation of Reshumrao Hotel. Work was going on in the hotel for four months. At 10 o’clock on Sunday night, he was setting up the center on the 6th floor at the back of the hotel with his son Fardeen (21) and Badri, a labourer.

The accident happened like this.. son fell down after father, laborer on son…
All three were two feet apart when setting the centering. Suddenly a pillar of centering slipped from below. He didn’t get a chance to recover. The centering swelled and fell down. First Hanif fell on the ground, followed by his son. Badri fell on Fardeen. For 15 minutes, all three lay on the spot in agony.

Renovation work was going on in Hotel Reshumrao located on Raisen Road in Bhopal. On the 6th floor the contractor father and son were setting up the centering with a labourer. A wooden pillar slipped. All three fell down one after the other. For 15 minutes, they kept on agonizing there. The hotel staff took him to the hospital.

Hotel staff rushed to the hospital
The hotel staff admitted all three in critical condition to Nagpur Hospital in the city itself. Here the father and son died. Dr. Hariom Verma told that the laborer Badri has broken his ribs. Head and brain injuries. In the whole incident, the negligence of the hotel owner has come to the fore. No safety arrangements were made for the working people. Work was being done at night. Bilkhiria police station is engaged in the investigation of the case.

The family said – when we reached, the son had died…
In a conversation with Bhaskar, the family told that they came to know about the incident after 1 hour of the accident. By the time we arrived, Fardeen had died and Hanif was on ventilator. Hanif was the sole bread earner in the house. Hanif has four children. The youngest is a 6 year old son. There was pressure to complete the work by Diwali. Due to this I had to work late.

Badri, a laborer, was also seriously injured in the accident.  He broke his ribs when he fell from the 6th floor.  There was also a brain injury.  He is undergoing treatment in the hospital.

Badri, a laborer, was also seriously injured in the accident. He broke his ribs when he fell from the 6th floor. There was also a brain injury. He is undergoing treatment in the hospital.

The hotel owner said, the contract was given, the time was fixed
Reshumrao Hotel owner Bhupendra Singh said that we had given the contract to Hanif to set up the centre. On being asked whether the contractor was being pressurized to complete the work before Diwali, he said that we had given the contract, work has to be done within the stipulated time. If he doesn’t take the contract, we will give it to someone else. Media entry was stopped in the hotel after the accident.

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