Father became a monster! Raped her own 14 year old daughter, mother filed a police complaint

Haryana Crime: A shameful incident has come to light from Hisar district of Haryana. Where a real father raped his minor daughter and defiled the relationship between father and daughter. When the girl’s mother came to know about this, she lodged a complaint against the husband in the women’s police station.

The sin committed by a 35-year-old father living in a village in Hisar district with his 14-year-old innocent girl has created an outcry in the entire district. According to the information received, on Saturday, February 11, the victim’s mother had gone to work in Hisar. The girl and her father were alone at home. Seeing the opportunity of no one being at home, the poor father raped the girl. Also, he threatened to kill the girl if she told anything about the incident to anyone. Because of which the victim girl was scared and in shock.

The victim’s mother said this
In the complaint given to the police, the victim’s mother told that her daughter is still a minor and she is still taking school education. When she reached home in the evening of the incident, she saw that her daughter was scared. When the mother insisted and asked for a long time, the girl told her about the heinous act of the father. After which the victim’s mother complained to the police.

Regarding this whole matter, the SHO of the women’s police station Sunita said that the police have registered a case on the basis of the complaint. Along with this, the victim girl has been given medical treatment in the hospital. Further action will be taken in this matter after the medical report comes.

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