Farmers will gherao Minister Kataruchak in Jalandhar today: Wheat sowing season has started, DAP fertilizer is not available

Jalandhar42 minutes ago

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File photo of Food Supplies and Forest Minister Lal Chand Kataruchak

Wheat sowing season has started in Punjab. But the farmers are not getting the DAP fertilizer which is applied in the fields along with wheat. Due to this, the sowing work has been affected, the anger of the farmers has erupted. The farmers have announced to lay siege to Food Supply and Forest Minister Lal Chand Kataruchak, who is coming to Jalandhar today.

Earlier in Punjab, there was anger among the farmers due to delay in getting wheat seeds, but now that wheat seeds have been received, farmers are not getting DAP fertilizer to be applied along with wheat in the fields. Farmers say that due to non-availability of DAP fertilizer at government sales centers, its black has started in the open market. A bag of DAP fertilizer, which is available for around Rs.1200, is available in the open market for Rs.2000 to 2500. Shopkeepers hand over pesticides and other things separately along with fertilizers.

A program has been organized to celebrate the 69th All India Cooperative Week tomorrow by the Cooperative Department at Markfed’s canneries in village Chuhadwali on Hoshiarpur Road in Jalandhar. State Food Supply and Forest Minister Lal Chand Kataruchak is coming to inaugurate this programme. Farmers will gather there at 11 am in Markfed canneries village Chuhadwali and will gherao the cabinet minister.

Kulwinder Singh Machiana, President of Bharatiya Kisan Union Ekta Sidhpur said that farmers had earlier ordered wheat seeds by paying money in advance and filling the form. But till the farmers did not raise the noise, the seeds did not come to the government selling centers. Now the same situation is with DAP fertilizer. Farmers are not getting fertilizers at government sales centers.

Machhiyana said that DAP fertilizer was available in the sales centers along with the seeds. But this time the right seed was found late but the fertilizer has not reached yet. Farmers are forced to buy fertilizers in black from the open market at expensive prices and put them in the fields after sowing wheat, but many farmers who cannot spend so much money are looking for government sales centers.

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