Expert reveals easy 6M formula to manage diabetes this Diwali

Diwali is here and it’s the time when diabetics need to be most careful about preventing blood sugar spikes. While they may be getting all sorts of advice from near and dear ones regarding diabetes management, experts say mindful choices, moderation and a little bit of exercise is the perfect formula to stay healthy in the festive season. Diabetes is a health condition when your body either doesn’t make enough insulin or is not able to use it well due to which blood glucose or sugar levels can become uncontrolled if not managed well with medicines and lifestyle changes. This requires the person living with diabetes to choose his or her diet carefully. For many of them, sweets are a big no-no. It’s however difficult to resist temptation of sweets during festive season. Dr Altamash Shaikh, Consultant endocrinologist, Diabetologist and Metabolic Superspecialist offers an easy 6M formula for diabetics to help control their glucose levels. (Also read: Diabetes: Tips to manage blood sugar levels this Diwali)

“Festivals are the time where we bond with our family and friends and bring in celebrations with great triumph and joy. A major element of any festival is connected with delicacies that are especially made during a particular festival. However, people dealing with diabetes are bounded by certain conditions when it comes food choices. While we must ensure we enjoy the festivity to its fullest, it is important to be mindful of the health conditions,” says Dr Shaikh.

Here is an easy 6M formula for diabetics that will help them manage their condition.

Monitor: Monitoring your diabetes at home and also understanding your risks and rewards is most important.

Mindful eating: Choose the right food and right quantity as allowed by your doctor on the basis of your control over diabetes.

Moderation: It is important to adhere to eating in balanced portions. One must be careful to avoid indulgence and overeat. Having said that, under-eating to stay in shape can also be problematic.

Medicine: Don’t skip any dose or stop your medicine as you get busy with celebrations. It’s suggested to set reminders in your phone for your daily dosage of medicine intake. In case you are travelling/partying, carry adequate medicine, food and water.

Move: Physical movement is extremely important not for just diabetics, but for all. Taking short walks in between festivities, exercising or dancing can help burn off the extra calories and help the glucose levels to stay in control.

Meet: Your doctor if planning for any fasts around festival days.

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