Exercise bike vs treadmill: Which one is better to choose for cardio exercise?

With the changing lifestyle, more people are opting to avail gym sessions for their daily workout and today, cardio is a great approach to maintain a healthy and active body. In an effort to develop endurance, some of the cardio exercises quicken your breathing and heart rate, which further promotes increased blood circulation and improved lung capacity.

When we talk about cardiovascular fitness equipment, exercise bikes and treadmills are hands down the most preferred and popular ones. For quintessential cardio lovers, it is indeed a tough decision to choose between the two.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Rhea Singh Anand, Co-Founder of Flexnest, shared, “The answer depends on an individual’s fitness level, their goals and the kind of lifestyle they follow. On one hand, the treadmill allows you to run at your own pace and intensity, supports accurate data and gives experience of the digital world to enhance workout techniques, while on the other hand, an exercise bike significantly improves fitness bars by improving gait and balance and is considered more joint-friendly.”

She revealed, “One of the major reasons behind the surge in popularity of cardio workouts is burning calories. Studies suggest that treadmills burn more calories as compared to bikes but the difference is really close. Overall, both the equipments offer many scientifically proven health benefits and are excellent for cardiovascular training. Just go with the option where you can enjoy your workout sessions and be consistent at the same time.”

According to Prateek Sood, Director of Grand Slam Fitness, if we compare – indoor cycling is done on an exercise bike whereas indoor running is done on a treadmill and each of them holds its own advantages but it ultimately relies on the kind of cardio activity the person wishes to do. Talking about treadmills, he said, “Treadmills can be motorized or non-powered, while bikes can be constructed for spinning or a more comfortable position. Using a treadmill is a great method to incorporate running or walking into a training routine, gives flexibility and allows for easy tempo and incline control. The treadmill’s incredible versatility, which allows you to easily adjust the speed, incline and decline, is yet another significant benefit. You have complete control over whether you want to burn calories by power walking up hills or improve your speed with some sprint intervals.”

On the other hand, about using an exercise bike, Prateek Sood said, “It gives you the chance to get an aerobic cardio workout. This makes it possible for you to tone and build the muscles in your glutes and legs without having to be concerned about getting hurt or overworking. Most bikes allow changing the resistance, and most offer low, medium and high resistance options. Biking improves the lower body’s quads, hamstrings, and calves in addition to improving cardiovascular health.”

He opined, “If we had to compare which one is better in terms of burning calories at a faster pace, a treadmill is a superior choice for cardiovascular exercise because running on a treadmill burns more calories than riding a bike does. This is due to the fact that when using a treadmill to run or walk, you are standing up and supporting your own weight.”

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