Engineer working in NTPC Singrauli missing: Letter found in room, wrote – family members are not ready for marriage, do not search now

sonbhadra21 minutes ago

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Engineer working in NTPC Singrauli went missing under suspicious circumstances.

An engineer from Sonbhadra, working in NTPC Sigrauli Shaktinagar project, went missing under suspicious circumstances. Shaktinagar police has started investigation after registering a missing report. During investigation, the police got a letter from the engineer’s room.

Saurabh Singhal, an engineer working in the project, had informed his in-charge through WhatsApp on October 28 that he had to go home for urgent work, but after not reaching home till October 30, the family members called the project management and got information. On this it was told that he had already left after giving information about going home, due to which the family members also got upset.

The letter found in the search of the room
When the local police was not found anywhere after searching around and relatives here. After registering a missing report, the police searched by breaking the door of the room and found a letter in which it was written that ‘Where we want to get married, the family is not ready to get married, so I am going do not try to find me and the money which is in my account should be taken out and given to my mother.’

Transaction not done after October 27
In the investigation, it was found that on October 27, twenty thousand rupees have been withdrawn from Saurabh’s account, after that no transaction has taken place and his mobile is also switched off, due to which no location is being traced. Police is investigating on all aspects, but till now no information has been received. There are different types of discussions about the missing engineer.

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