Elon Musk’s new order – Work on the terms of the company, otherwise resign

Twitter’s new owner Elon Musk has given a new ultimatum to the employees to stay in the company. Musk has sent an email to the employees of Twitter, in which he has told the employees that if you want to work then work on the terms of the company, otherwise submit your resignation. Those who want to work should be ready for hard work. All of you will have to work long hours and show high efficiency for the new form of Twitter.

According to a report published in Bloomberg, Musk has given the employees time till 5 pm on Thursday to fill out the online form. It is written in the email that anyone who does not fill the online form by 5 pm on Thursday will get a notice of three months to be fired. Musk has written that to make Twitter successful, we will need to be extremely fanatical. Only exceptional performance will be a passing grade.

Only one option in email

When Bloomberg asked a Twitter representative about this email, he did not respond. Although the Washington Post has already reported this memo. The form that Musk has sent to his employees has only one question and only one option. The question is, do you want to stay connected with Twitter? There is only yes as an option. It is clearly written in the email that the employees who want to be associated with Twitter will have to work very hard.

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Employees seeking help from a lawyer

Most of the employees are scared due to having only one option in the email sent by Musk. Some employees have sought help from their lawyers. Peter Romer-Friedman, a civil rights lawyer, while giving his opinion on this whole matter, said that it is wrong to get such documents signed. This will instill fear in the minds of the employees of losing their rights. If an employee is unable to work or needs medical leave, you cannot fire him for that. Musk said in the email that Twitter would be mostly engineering based and most of the team’s employees would be ‘coding’. Design and Product Management will still be very important and will report to me, but the employees writing the code will be the largest and most dominant of our team.

After taking charge of Twitter, Elon Musk announced the removal of about 3,700 people in his first week. He discharged many top officers and many personnel of the company. Earlier it was reported that Musk is preparing to fire even those Twitter employees who would try to criticize him.

After the employees were fired, Musk had said, ‘When the company is losing $ 4 million (Rs 32.77 crore) daily, then we have no option but to remove the employees. After buying Twitter for $ 44 billion, a large number of employees have been shown the way out. Along with this, Musk has told the employees that now they have to be ready to work 80 hours every week. Along with this, Musk had also ended the facility of work from home.

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