Electricity workers who went to disconnect the connection in Rampur were bled: Department wrote a case against 3 who beat up

Rampur11 minutes ago

People and bloody contract workers beating up the contract worker by knocking him down

In Rampur due to arrears, some people beat up the electrical workers who went to cut the connection. Electrical workers were bled due to the beating. The department has registered a case against 3 people who beat up.

Naresh, beat Bharat and Nadeem

In Sainjani Nankar in Thana Ganj area of ​​Rampur, some people thrashed the electrical workers badly today. In the locality near Ziarat in Sainjani Nankar, the electrical workers had gone to cut the line due to the arrears. During this, the women and men of the house beat up the electrical workers Nadeem, Bharat and Naresh badly. Electrical workers were seriously injured in the beating.

Case against Bilal, Nabu and Shama

The accused also snatched the wire cut from the electrical workers. All three are contract employees. The bloody employees complained to the police station Ganj. On the complaint of JE Ajay Yadav, the police have registered a case of assault against 3 people. It has been written against Bilal, Nabu and his wife Shama, who assaulted him. Also, the police has started investigation in this matter.

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