Editor’s Note: Freedom is the best medicine

For a magazine focussed on millennial readers, a story on parenting may be an unusual choice. But our cover story today is a celebration of how the freedom of choice, given to children to choose their own career paths, can yield maximum results.

In the last few years, I’ve seen countless young members of my family pressurised to pursue a future because the parents think the child has the potential, or sometimes, simply to fulfill a personal dream. As a result, an immensely creative-minded cousin is now toiling in a hospital pursuing his MBBS, and another, with an uncanny knack for resolving issues, is breaking his head over mechanical engineering.

I’m lucky I didn’t have as much pressure. Yes, given my affinity for language and writing, I should have gone for an Arts degree; but I was the bright kid in the family who everyone hoped would pursue medicine. I hated science, so I opted for commerce instead.

(Thankfully, my mother, a single parent since she was 35 years old, encouraged me to pursue what I really loved, and I took up journalism at a time when the profession had loads of respectability, but little money.)

The idea for our cover story today germinated from such a thought.

At a late-in-the-day viewing of Brahmāstra, (I watched it two weeks after it released), I noticed Niharika Bijli’s name as the credits rolled by. Now, we’re used to seeing PVR flash before many movies these days, but Niharika’s name appeared as creative director. I knew Ajay Bijli’s son, Aamer, who had appeared on a Father’s Day cover of Brunch a couple of years ago. Was Niharika Ajay’s younger child?

Turned out, Nihairka is his eldest. At 30, she’s already carved a niche by working on one of the biggest blockbusters of 2022. His second child is Nayana, 28, and Aamer, at 24, is the baby of the family. All three children—the girls included, and it’s somewhat sad that I must say that—are pursuing their own interests and opportunities within their gambit, and some outside.

Playing a starring role in the story is the heartwarming bond the father and his kids share. (See “He’s our resident rockstar!” on Page 10; it’ll compel you to read the story even more than this editor’s note!)

Teach children how to be independent in thought and action, and you’ve given them the best education they could get.

 Also in this issue: Is the comment by Judi Dench about The Crown being sensationalised valid, or not?

With the Musk takeover, Mental Health columnist Nikhil Taneja predicts the end of social media, while Luke Coutinho makes a case for a good snooze. Enjoy the read!

Follow @JamalShaikh on Twitter and Instagram

From HT Brunch, November 19, 2022

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