Echo of the blast in Crimea reached Putin’s ears, is Ukraine provoking Russia?

Russia-Ukraine War Update: Sudden explosion in Crimea and change of military commander of Russia. It is clear that the echo of the loud explosion in Russian-occupied Crimea has reached the ears of Russian President Vladimir Putin. This only bridge connecting Russia with Crimea was considered Putin’s dream project. This fire has not only provoked the bridge but also provoked Russia. Questions are being raised whether Ukraine is now working to provoke Russia?

Actually, in this battle of Russia and Ukraine, Ukraine is now visible as much as Russia was dominating earlier. After the blast, President Volodymyr Zelensky himself issued a statement saying that the Crimea Bridge is just the beginning. Everything illegal must be destroyed. Everything stolen from Ukraine must be taken back. Everything that is occupied by Russia must be expelled.

war going in a new direction

It is clear from his statement that this is only a trailer… the whole film is yet to come. Zelensky is now appreciating the Russian soldiers who were running away in fear of Russia. This war seems to be going in a new direction. Ever since Russia has announced to merge Ukraine’s territories into its border, it seems to be getting more furious. This could also be because Russia’s weapons have already reduced significantly. Russia also lost many of its soldiers in the initial battle.

Why is Ukraine provoking Russia?

This war, which started in February, is now going to be eight months, but the situation is once again becoming the same as before. The noises of which had been silent for some time are now being heard again. From this it can be said that Ukraine is trying its best to provoke Russia. Because, the Ukrainian army has made its hold on many parts of the country stronger than before. Ukraine now has more confidence in itself and has seen Russia weakening. That is why he is sparking this war.

Russia is losing territories

Russia is losing its won territories one by one. Now the bridge on which the explosion took place is a symbol of the pride of Russia. This is the bridge that connects Russia with Crimea. Ukraine is also being questioned because vehicles are heavily searched before going to the Kerch Bridge. Vehicles are scanned before entry on the bridge. At the entry gate of the bridge, there is a modern ST-6035 Inspection Radio Technical Complex, which is designed to check explosives in vehicles. In such a situation, having such a big explosion leaves big question marks.

read this also:

Russia Ukraine War: Russia’s major attack on Ukraine after Crimea bombings, missile attack kills 17, 40 injured

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