East Pakistan almost ruined by floods, GDP may fall by such a percentage

Flood In Pakistan: Pakistan’s economic growth may slow down from five per cent to three per cent in the current financial year due to severe floods caused by devastating monsoon rains and the ongoing war in Ukraine and other factors. This has been claimed in a media report.

According to a media report published on Saturday, Major General Zafar Iqbal, chairman of Pakistan’s National Flood Response and Coordination Center (NFRCC), informed Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres about the threat. He said that one-third of Pakistan has been submerged in the floods, due to which the damage is estimated to be about $ 30 billion.

Did the Associated Press Agency of Pakistan bid?
Pakistani news agency Associated Press of Pakistan quoted Iqbal as saying that Pakistan is fearing a two percent decline in the GDP growth figure in this situation of crisis. In this, apart from floods, delays in getting funds from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the emerging economic situation due to the Russo-Ukraine war have been attributed.

Pakistan’s GDP growth rate was expected to be five percent in the financial year 2022-23, but due to floods and other reasons, it is expected to remain only three percent. Apart from this, the newspaper ‘The Dawn’ said in a news that the ‘Super Flood’ in 2010 affected about 20 million people, while the current flood is affecting 33 million people across the country.

How many people have been affected by the flood?
About 60 lakh flood-affected people are living in relief camps. Meanwhile, the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) said that the death toll from the floods has risen to 1,396, while the total number of injured is over 12,700.

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