Drain construction stopped in Ghazipur on use of substandard material: People said – Bhassi is being used instead of ballast and cement in construction

Ghazipur5 minutes ago

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There is resentment among the people of Jangipur due to the use of substandard material in the construction of drain in Ghazipur. On Monday, the people of the locality stopped the work of drain construction in the city on Monday. He said that the work would start only when the materials as per the standard are used in the construction of the drain.

Under the leadership of Chandrabhan Gupta, president of the All Party Yuva Sangharsh Samiti and member of the SP District Action Committee, people stopped the construction work of crores of drains in ward number 3 Nihal Nagar of the city.

In Ghazipur, people stopped the work of drain construction.

In Ghazipur, people stopped the work of drain construction.

substandard bricks are being used
Chairman of the committee Chandrabhan Gupta said that there is gross negligence in the drain construction work which has been going on for months. Bhasi was being used extensively in place of ballast and cement in the construction of the drain. Instead of one number brick, inferior quality three number doma brick was being used. Which cannot withstand even a single rain water. The contractor was missing from the spot and the executive officer’s mobile was switched off. Therefore, the work has been stopped and till the time the responsible officers come on the spot and check its quality, we the residents of the city will not allow the work to proceed.

Will hand over leaflets to Chief Minister and DM
In this regard, a leaflet will be given to the District Magistrate along with the Chief Minister for investigation. Committee’s general secretary Bharat Sharma said that on one hand the state government is spraying medicine with fogging machine to prevent mosquito in the city to fight against diseases like dengue. The chairman and executive officer of the same Nagar Panchayat is draining dirty water from the drain on the main road of the city. Due to which there is a high risk of spreading dengue disease due to mosquito bites. If the nagar panchayat chairman officers and employees do not deter from their attitude, then we will be compelled to protest.

these people were there
During this, a large number of people including Aslam Qureshi, Raju Bhai, Guddu, Banggu, Ekram, Sanjay Verma, Pintu Kushwaha, Ashish, Anshu, Uday Gupta, Santu Jaiswal, Mukhtar, Pyarelal, Bhondu, were present.

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